What are Monarch Waystations?

Learn about Monach Waystations. LHCG is home to two Waystations providing a home for our amazing migrating butterfies.

What are Monarch Waystations?

Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Milkweed and nectar sources that support Monarchs are in decline due to increased development, the use of herbicides, and mowing.  


LHCG Rain Garden
LHCG Butterfly Garden

You can help by providing Monarch Way stations which include host plants and nectar sources. Guidelines for registration include having a minimum of 100 square feet in a sunny area; inclusion of at least 10 native milkweed plants, with 2 or more varieties; nectar plants; shelter; and providing ongoing maintenance,including organic practices.

A monarch can travel over 100 miles in a single day with the right conditions.
Milkweed one of a monarchs favorites!

To have your Monarch Waystation registered visit Go to the Secure Online Application in the Monarch Watch Shop

Thank you Louise Ellam for this post!